Very quick post showing the starts to a new project I'm working on. This is based on the current on demand workshop I bought from Zbrushworkshops. You can find the specific course here.
After a very quick play last week trying to get used to Maya again I managed to create a rough jacket and got it working in Zbrush (see below). I decided to start again from the start with a project in mind.
Above: Note with single facing geometry the inside will appear invisible. I filled in the collars fully which explains why they are visible. If you do this in your 3d program by duplicating and scaling remember you may need to reverse the normals!
The project I have chosen is to do a 3d representation of Inquisitor Eisenhorn from the novels/40k universe. The reason for this is the complex clothing (in the concept art by Clint Langley he wears 3 layers of jackets!) as well as plenty of smaller items on the concept art which have their own techniques.
I've started blocking out the pieces as the workshop recommends (I'm using Maya. not Softimage but the principles in all 3D packages should be roughly the same).
Above: I created a custom toolbar with my own options I use constantly for modelling in this way. To add icons to the custom palette ctrl+shift the option/tool you want to use. To get rid of them from the custom palette just hold middleclick and and drag to the recycle bin. I'll explain what I put up there myself if it is helpful to those going through the Zbrushworkshop and are using Maya rather than XSI.
As I'm not going to be using it for game art I've been doing some tests with using just flat geometry (instead of thickening/ adding geometry in Maya for the inside of each bit of clothing). Once imported in to Zbrush and subdivided provided it is all one polygroup you can use Panel loops with a thickness to create the inside/ clothing thickness.
Here is the first test using the collar piece (the head is just an old head bust I did just to test scale). Aside from the bevel which I need to change I was happy with the result.
The plan is to get this fully finished by Christmas although depends on work schedule. Next weekend I should get the boots and inner+main jacket. Then after importing will pose, then re-import in to Maya to roughly model the outer jacket.